In this picture you can see the tow generator in use at Times Square NYC on the center island. The compact size is perfect for narrow locations such as sidewalks. There were two additional benefits on this job. First, a special permit would have been needed to park a motor vehicle on the sidewalk, but since the towing vehicle was parked elsewhere, there was no special permit needed. Second, unsafe power cable runs across Broadway were avoided.
All Terrain
Power may be based in Long Island City NY, but the generators are truly "all terrain."
This shot used the truck's generator, althought the trailer generator would
have been able to be brought into this same location.
During a recent shoot for a Claritin commercial at Newark Bears Stadium, the generator was used to power a Musco Lighting truck. The generator (switched to 480 volt operation) is powering the fifteen 6K PAR lamps that lit the field from outside.
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